Thursday, January 19, 2012

Three Articles That I Like Right Now

I have probably posted all three of these to twitter, but then again, I post so much random linkage to twitter it's kind of hard to judge when something really resonated with me or when I just thought it was worth a read. So here, mostly so I can find them later but also for your reading pleasure, I give you three disparate articles the I like right now:

1. I'm Mad at You Because You Are an Idiot, Not Because I am a Woman
Jezebel as a news source is not without its faults (ie in this article the authors rambles a bit about the specifics of her anger and forgets about the point for a bit, but it's entertaining, so I'll let it slide) but they often are able to publish things that just hit it on the nose. This hits it on the nose.

2. Yes, Pit Bulls Suddenly Snap
I am not really a Dog Person but recently I was talking to a friend who was looking for a puppy. She wanted a rescue dog because she is that kind of person (not that people who buy their pets are bad, but buying your pets is kind of bad folks). We were looking through the local Stray Rescue web listing of dogs (don't look if you don't want your heart turned to much and then torn out by the pathetic, sad, and cute) and there were a bunch of "terrier mixes" that were perfect matches for what she was looking for and I kept pointing them out to her. And she said "'terrier mix' is code for pit bull and I don't want a pit bull." And it made me really sad. First because I have known so many sweet, loving, well-behaved pit bulls in my time. Second because these poor animals are marred by the idiots who once abused their ancestors into becoming hateful. Any dog will get to be hateful if you abuse it - just like people.

3. The Marilyn Meme
This meme has been going around Facebook/Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit/the Intrawebs for a while now and it's always sort of gotten under my skin. This post pretty clearly, and succinctly sums up what's wrong with it. I also want to point out to the people who talk about how Marilyn was "plus sized" as if this means anything that 1. sizes back then were teeny, just go vintage shopping and you will feel my pain; 2. size had nothing to do with her personal gorgeousness - it was her persona and her chutzpa that made jaws drop and that in many ways led to her severe depression; 3. who cares? I mean, really. Let's start a discussion about health and then about self-worth, and then, sure why not one about beauty, but please, for the love of god, they're not the same conversation.

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