Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why My Hummus is Mild

For lunch today I decided to put my cuisinart to use and make some hummus, Boybee got me canned hummus-pea-things (what are these called in English?) and we garlic and lemon juice so I got to cuisinarting.

Just as I was adding the whole garlic gloves (in addition to the garlic olive oil we made from Jules) and the lemon juice to my partially cuisinarted hummus, a GIANT black spider jumped out from behind the toaster oven! I called the cats in to get it and they came but the spider had already darted *in to my cabinets* - ick!!! At that point, the hummus was done, and if it wasn't, I was done with the kitchen so I took my carrot sticks and my ~hummus and left. It isn't that bad since most of the garlic got chopped up, but it would be better if there weren't still almost whole bits floating around and instead being mushed and diffusing their deliciousness throughout the hummus.

The moral of this story is, if you don't like spiders don't live in a 100-year-old building in the spring.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The End of the Semester

It is official, this semester is about 9x10^3984598 times better than last semester.

By this week marker last semester I had written over 100 pages worth of papers that I barely cared about (painful for me and my poor professors) and could only sleep a few hours a night before I had to get back to the grindstone. This semester, I have written a few boring papers, but they were at least short and had a lot of relevance to what I want to do with my life and most of my assignments have been interesting and increased my learning. I have four major papers left to the semester and I have already started one of them (due in a week). After Friday of next week I have work left and will have work left until the last day to turn in grades for the semester, but at least I wont be killing myself and I will enjoy doing a lot of it.

I will keep my practicum at the Hospital, which I *love,* until the end of the summer. Right now I am starting the process of finding a practicum for next year and already have a few leads. Next year's practicum will have a big influence on my course work and my job prospects after graduation so it's really exciting.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

On Fat, Beauty and Health

"I'm beautiful, and I'm also fat. And those two things aren't opposites." - a freind

I think that this should really be the take home message here. I cringe sometimes when I read articles about fat (both pro and con) because they rarely have anything to do with health and everything to do with looks and moral judgements.

There are three issues and I feel like it is harmful to *everyone* that they're not seperate and understood - the Fat issue, the Beauty issue and the Healthy issue. You can be fat, healthy and ugly; fat healthy and beautiful; fat unhealthy and beautiful; thin healthy and ugly; thin unhealthy and beautiful; etc. in any combination because those three things are related but not on a one-to-one basis.

By lumping those three categories together, fat people who are beautiful but unhealthy decide to eff their health because they are fat, gorgeous and proud of it, skinny people who are unhealthy but good looking do that exact same thing and to the same bad results for their health. Some fat people who think they're not beautiful but are in fact healthy put themselves on ridiculous, unhealthy diets (as do some skinny people who feel the same way) and that's equally damaging.

If everyone could seperate fat from beauty from health (the way those things are actually pretty seperate) it would make the whole conversation a lot easier and whole lot of people would be a lot better off.