Sunday, August 9, 2009

Summer's end

Wow. I just finished my graduate program last week and for the first time since I can remember, I don't have school starting in the Fall. Such a weird feeling.

I don't have a job yet, which is... ok. Not great, but not bad either. Being married to someone who is employed helps a lot in decreasing job search stress. I'm thinking of doing part time work at The Clinic and am going to talk to The Boss there on Wednesday. That way I'll make some money and get out of the house while I'm looking for full time work. It's funny, two weeks ago I would have said that I'd never work there and that I didn't want to go to back to school for at least 5-10 years if ever... but now with the weight of all of it off my shoulders I'm thinking about how much I enjoyed the work at The Clinic and that another graduate program is sure looking interesting.

We're going to GenCon Indy next week (did I mention Boybee and I are big dorks?) and then I'll start seriously thinking about things. The big question now is, do I buy a new camera (remember the old one got stolen in May) or do I make do without photos (or possibly with film pics on my film camera or a disposable?).

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Expectant Parent?

Not me, but you! A friend just opened up shop with a new service for expectant parents for pregnancy and baby personal shopping and gifts. She's been working in high end baby stores for years and before that she worked in day cares and as a nanny (so she knows the low end too). She's a mom who cloth diapers and does all that other crunchy stuff and boy, does she know how to shop! :)

Check out her new website: