Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It really is lovely

After class tonight Boybee ran to blockbuster and grabbed Michael Clayton. We missed it in theaters mainly because it didn't look that interesting - the magic of the Oscars showed us the error of our ways so of course we needed to watch it (he also renter Elizabeth: The Golden Age). It starts weird and artsy, then it hooks you in and becomes a pretty compelling drama. The best part is Tilda Swinton - I'm a big fan.

Now I am enjoying the beginning of Spring Break - I have a class tomorrow evening but work's cancelled and the class is a med school course so it means that there will be free indian food for dinner. Got to love how they bribe the med school kids, as if my 913$ a credit hour isn't good enough for them (ok, so I got a scholarship but still, it's the principle). We may go to a friend's lake house for a bit, but it's still up in the air. I also have this big project to take care of out in the middle of nowhere and a living will to write. At least this nowhere has wineries and Boybee is on hand to supply hugs while I cry my way through the written declaration of how I want to die, which is not in the least depressing to me, no sir.

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