Thursday, June 14, 2012

Some Links!

And now for another thrilling installment of interesting things on the internet!!! This will be a break (mostly) in your regularly scheduled programming of politics and feminism. Really, I prefer geeky stuff but sometimes the rage wont shuddup and wait its turn. For the moment, the rage is whispering. Pure bliss.

Ok first off, ZOMG U GAIS the Hobbit movie is almost here! Boybee and I have already determined childcare for us to be able to see this movie the day it comes out for a baby who does yet currently exist, that is how excited we are for this film. Now that it's almost here, we're getting the good gossip and promo art/pictures.

Fili and Kili are totes hot.

The next link is a little old, but I keep coming back to this Oatmeal Comic as basically exactly how I feel about downloading media on the internet. For serious TV and Movie executives. I want to pay you for your programming. Seriously. I want to give you so many of my dollars. All you have to do is offer the programming for sale. That's it! So easy! Please figure this out. Until then, I'm not feeling bad for you when people pirate your stuff.

Third link! Civilization is an awesome game and all, but playing the same game for 10 years just "to see how far" it goes is pretty intense.

Fourth! How to make your own Star Wars lamp! This looks so easy and cute, definitely something I think I will try out, my rec room really could use a new reading lamp...

And then, because I really can't stay away from the rage whispering in the corner... Feminist Frequency is awesome and has a Kickstarter up to make videos about sexist tropes in video games . Boybee and I are backing it. So, what happens when a woman does something cool on the internet? You guessed it! She gets threatened with death and rape and called a bunch of vile names (and some not so vile names... a number of people apparently thing that being called a "feminist Jewess" is insulting, this feminist Jew think that it's adorably Shakespearean to be called a "Jewess" and is damned proud to be both!). Cute. Ugh. So, if the kickstarter is still up when you see this, go back it! Otherwise, look out because she's raising enough dough to make a whole bunch of awesome videos.

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