Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lazy Weekend

There is something absolutely magical about a weekend with no plans.

Yesterday, I walked (about a mile) to the local bakery since we were out of bread - I got breakfast and sat in the sun reading a book. Glorious. I also got my car to the shop (there was a recall on the whosawhatsit), went grocery shopping, got my blood drawn to be sure that I'm going to have a baby and not a football or something, made and ate hamburgers with Boybee, did some work on a medallion I am making for the SCA, and watched The Lion in Winter* while eating fresh monkey-bread.

Today, we need to pick up the car, make beer, and... enjoy the lack of major responsibilities!

*With Katherine Hepburn - such a good film. Boybee had never seen it before. If you've not seen it, go and do so, it will be worth your time. Katherine Hepburn is Eleanor of Aquitaine, Peter O'Toole plays her husband, Henry II, a young (hot) Anthony Hopkins plays Richard. Timothy Dalton, of James Bond and Dr. Who fame, is even in this movie as the beautiful jerkface King of France. It's rare that a movie holds the same emotional punch of a play, but this one does. Even the funky 60's film style and interesting take on 12th century clothing works.

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