Monday, December 24, 2012

The Hobbit!

So, long before I had Babybee, Boybee and I had made plans to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in the theaters on it's opening weekend. Grandfatherbee was lined up to watch our girl, and we got tickets in the fancy 21+ comfy pleather recliners and dinner theater. We even read The Hobbit (for the umpteenth time in preparation).

Some background, it took us 6 hours and two movie theaters to see the movie (the first hour or so of which I watched twice). The saga of seeing the movie was almost more interesting that the film itself. That experience really colored my opinion of the film, so I'm going to need to see it again to get a better feel for it, I think :P. 

My review with spoilers below the jump!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Breastfeeding in Public

I have approximately 77 billion things to say on the topic of bodies, shame, sexuality, motherhood, breastfeeding, public health, obesity, body image, sex, gender, etc. So today, I am going to try to keep a narrow focus on one thing that is pretty important in my day-to-day: Breastfeeding in public.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Evolution is a Thing

I think I finally understand the Republican electorate... and, well, maybe it's not what I thought it was.

I want to post this poem, in it's entirety because it just about blew my mind today.

Evolution is a thing

  - Adapted from the Rachel Maddow Show 11/7/12

Ohio really did go to the president last night.
And he really did win.
And he really was born in Hawaii.
And he really is -legitimately- President of the United States.
And the Bureau of Labor Statistics did not make-up a fake unemployment rate last month.
And the Congressional Research Service really can find no evidence
That cutting taxes on rich people grows the economy.
And the polls were not skewed to over-sample Democrats.
And Nate Silver was not making up fake projections about the election
To make conservatives feel bad.
He was doing math.
And climate change is real.
And rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes.
And evolution is a thing.
And Benghazi was an attack on us.
It was not a scandal by us.
And no one is taking away anyone's guns.
And taxes haven't gone up.
And the deficit is dropping, actually.
And Saddam Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction.
And the moon landing was real.
And FEMA isn't building concentration camps.
And UN election observers aren't taking over Texas.
And moderate reforms of the regulations on the insurance industry
And the financial services industry
Are not the same thing as communism.
... People really believe all of that... People, smart, capable people, some of whom I love BELIEVE things have or have not happened that are blatantly false. I'm not big into Truth, with a capital T - I'm all about everyone honoring their personal experience, but this? This? Yeah "Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" but... there's a reason why we use math - it works. There is a reason why we use the scientific process - it works. 
I don't consider myself a "Democrat" and I think that our government functions best with multiple opposing viewpoints getting a place at the debate. To me, that's Democracy. But, how can I take someone seriously, even consider voting for them, if they believe (or at least are beholden to folks who believe) that science is some Liberal plot? That's not even getting started on the people who want to debate my personhood, my menstrual cycle, or who think that politicians have any say in what goes in my vagina
There's a lot that I don't agree with in the status quo and a lot that I don't know exactly what I think is the right way to do things, and I want to see a debate on those issues. The issues that matter and that are subject to discussion. What I do with my body, whether or not children go hungry, or who I love, or who "deserves" healthcare or whether or not science works... those things are just not up for debate. Instead can we talk about how to feed those hungry children or how to ensure that all bodies get good quality health care or the role of the US in the world? 
I really really hope that what I'm seeing as one party of moderate-left folks who don't always think things through and one party with some rich guys who like power and a bunch of crazy-pants conspiracy theorists and religious zealots who are under the impression that their God hates thinking. Conspiracy theorists CANNOT be the ones tasked with holding the government accountable. I am praying for a seachange within the GOP so that I can one day consider voting for them. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Vaccines: What they are, how they work, and why they are important

Pertussis, aka whooping cough, is a pretty nasty illness. Most healthy adults will survive it - with a trip to the doctor or even a short stay in the hospital, so it's no picnic. However, babies, small children, old folks, or people with weak immune systems don't always survive getting whooping cough. It's scary and kills people sometimes. You might be thinking "OMG! How can I protect myself and my loved ones from such a scourge?!" and you are in luck! Through the marvels of modern medicine and SCIENCE we have a way to combat this and MANY other nasty illnesses! Vaccines! Hooray! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


August passed me by about as quickly as I expected and all at once, one day it's fall! To celebrate we went around to various friends' houses picking apples on Saturday and then broke in our awesome new grinder and press to make hard cider Sunday. We got ~16 gallons of juice and still have a few trees left to hit. We had many friends over Sunday for the juicing and then grilled burgers and brats. It was a good day. It's really spectacular that the things we like to do for fun are baby/kid friendly and that so many of our friends have babies (there were 3 babies at our house Sunday!).

My tiny Babybee is getting huge already! She's outgrown all of the "newborn" clothing and starting to hulk-out of some of the 0-3 month stuff. It's kind of awesome. I see her everyday, all day, and still she is growing so fast that I can see it. She's 60th percentile for height and weight, but 80th for head circumference - she is definitely her father's daughter! Cue Gir:

In a couple of weeks, we'll be taking her to her first SCA event which is exciting. It's a camping event, but we're planning to get a hotel room near the site. It should be a good time. :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I have completed the pregnancy quest and leveled up!  I'm multi-classing now and just took my first level of Mom. It comes with the Breastfeeding feat and Diaper Changing as a class skill. In a couple of levels, I will get the Eyes in the Back of My Head feat and The Mom Look feat, both of which I'm looking forward to! :)

I didn't post much in July mainly because most of my thoughts were along the lines of "I am so pregnant. When will I have this baby already?" and that's kind of boring. I saw Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises and enjoyed both - it's crazy, but the next movie I will see in theaters is not going to be until The Hobbit in December (we're already in talks with Grandparents-Bee for baby sitting when it comes out). 

Sadly, since Babybee came on the late side, she and I will not be able to attend GenCon this year. In happier news, I have decided on a Halloween costume for us! Every year, friends throw a huge Halloween party with a costume theme. Past themes have included Villains (I went as Catwoman), Circus (I went as cotton candy), and The Sea (I went as The Sea! complete with a pirate ship hat). This year's theme is Folk Tales and Babybee and I will be going as St. Margaret and the Dragon. For those not hip to medieval Catholicism, St. Margaret of Antioch is the patron saint of laboring women because after being swallowed by a Dragon she burst forth from it's belly unharmed. Ideally, I would be the Dragon since Babybee is the one who did all the belly bursting, but I got a hand-me-down 3 month size dinosaur costume from a friend which I can tweak the tiniest bit to make into a dragon and then I have medieval garb for me. I figure it will be easy enough to put these costumes together while taking care of my Level One Human (Str 0 and Con 2, but Cha at 18 because Baby). Boybee is trying to figure out how he can go as Mr. Spock for the third year in a row - Oy. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Brave was so good! Go See It!

The title of this post really says it all. Brave, the new pixar movie, was so good. Funny without relying on fart jokes, heart-warming, gorgeous, and just good story-telling.

There has been a lot of noise about this movie because this Disney Princess has issues with conforming to gender roles and the drama comes from her *not* wanting to get married rather than waiting for 'her prince to come.' But honestly, what I like the most about this movie is how little time it spends caring about all of that. This movie is really about a girl who screws up royally (pun intended) and who then goes on a quest to fix things to save herself and her family.

There's magic, there's a big scary bear, there's hilarious little brothers, there's real character development, and there is no Big Bad to defeat just the characters own insecurities, fears, and interpersonal issues to overcome.

Everyone's been talking about how this is a movie that girls should see because *FINALLY* we have a Disney Princess who doesn't suck, but really, if you ask me, this is a movie that BOYS should see (arguably more than girls) because we finally have a Disney Princess who doesn't suck. Plus, this is one of the best depictions of Fatherhood in a kids movie that I have ever seen. Merida's dad, the King, saves his daughter and wife from the big scary bear and maybe has a bit of a Capt. Ahab complex but we never doubt his prowess or bravery. He's the one who listens to and respects his daughter, while loving and respecting his wife as well. He works to bridge their feud and brings humor to the situation. Also, though the Clan Leaders are goofy stereotypes, the teenage boys felt... so real. Like, I know those boys - I swear I was in BBYO with Lord Macintosch's son.

TL;DR Version: Brave was so good! Go see it! :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Having It All

Everyone has weighed in on the #HavingItAll discussion that raged this week in the feminist blogosphere and twitter. Every important point has basically at least been raised and most of them have been hashed out and beaten to death.

So, really, what I just want to say is : This conversation is why Feminism is still relevant. This conversation highlights just how far we have come and just how far we have to go.

In the mental health field, we are encouraged to use a tool with clients that I call the "Magic Wand" - we ask, "If I had a Magic Wand, and could do/fix/change *anything,* what would I do/fix/change? What would my life/the world look like after I did/fixed/changed things with the Magic Wand?"

I think that we as a society need to really sit back and think about that question with regards to how we have families and how we have careers. This is not a women's issue, it's an everyone issue but it IS a feminist issue and I think it's a vital one because it demonstrates the real need for feminist lens and critique in society as a whole.

So, what would my Post-Magic-Wand world look like?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Some Links!

And now for another thrilling installment of interesting things on the internet!!! This will be a break (mostly) in your regularly scheduled programming of politics and feminism. Really, I prefer geeky stuff but sometimes the rage wont shuddup and wait its turn. For the moment, the rage is whispering. Pure bliss.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Work Work

Today, for the first time, I really get why it is that so many people go through with scheduled inductions and c-sections for non-medical or quasi-medical reasons even though they're really bad for mom and baby.

It is hard to plan for babies! I'm getting down to the home stretch and I still have a four week window during which it would be healthy and normal for this kid to show up. Four weeks. FOUR WEEKS. That's basically a whole month. That represents two pay periods, countless monthly reports and invoices, and so much other work! Oy.

And that's just work, which is the easy part - there's also the whole getting-my-life-and-home-ready-for-a-totally-new-and-completely-helpless-person thing. NBD. We still need to get a crib and car seat but at least I've done my research with Consumer Reports et al so I know which brand and model to buy for each. Then there's figuring out all of the other random stuff we'll need and that's so much harder! Each parent I know has completely opposite experiences of every other parent I know with regards to what's "necessary" and what's "useless junk" - swings, butt paste brands, cosleepers, slings, strollers, play-mats, the list goes on and on. And then there's clothing - is it going to be 5lbs or 10lbs when it gets here? No one knows!

And even all of that is the easy stuff. The rest, like, you know, it actually getting here alive and healthy... I don't even want to begin to think about. It's so scary and so huge.

That's why people plan inductions knowing that they're putting themselves at higher risk for all sorts of complications. That's why people plan c-sections, which are MAJOR surgery folks, when not medically necessary. It's to have something known. Some order. It's so that they feel like they have some semblance of control in the process. Having control over when the baby shows up makes sense in a perverse way since it'll probably be the last time a parent ever gets to have control over the kid for the rest of their lives.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Minority Majority

There's been all this buzz about the latest census data on how just slightly over 50% of babies born in the last year belonged to a minority group. This article in WashPo has a pretty representative mix of facts and sensationalism. 

It got me thinking about a conversation I once had with one of my best friends in college who we will call A. Around the time Boybee and I were engaged/getting married, A and I disucssed our mutual desire to bear and raise children. To set the scene, A is also a cisgendered woman and she is African American (also gorgeous, hilarious, and brilliant - the woman speaks like, a bazillion languages). At the time, A was seriously dating a guy who happened to be white. So here we are, a couple of women in our early 20s talking about future child rearing plans. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I saw this movie a couple months ago in theaters, wrote this review and then... never posted it? Whoops! But, dudes, it came out on blue-ray/DVD/what-have-you this month and is so good, so I'm posting this now:

I heard through twitter that there was this movie starring Gina Carano, who I had never heard of, and that I needed to see it. Basically, instead of finding a gorgeous, wafer-thin, actress for me to pretend is an action star, they got a gorgeous action star for me to pretend is an actress. (See Jean Claude Van Damme for the male equivalent.) I generally like goofy action movies and really love action movies that star women. (As a side note, if you haven't already, go see Salt too - so good! As, really, I believe wafer-thin Angelina Jolie is a brilliant spy who can shoot a gun any day of the week, plus SHE TAKES OFF HER GORRAM HEELS BEFORE RUNNING DOWN A FLIGTH OF STEPS!!!! Finally. Some realism in my goofy action movies!) So, some friends and I caught a Sunday matinee while Boybee was busy. My thoughts and spoilers follow:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The P-Word and What Do We Do About It?

I just read this awesome article by John Scalzi presenting a somewhat overly simple yet incredibly eloquent analogy to explain how privilege works in society. Go read it. (Yes, it's a really simple analogy, that's why it's an analogy and not a treatise on the subject. Rhetoric is a thing we use to communicate; let's not get all huffy and post-structuralist on it just yet).

In the comments, there's this common theme of "ok, so I get it [sort of], now what do you want me to do about it?" and to those comments, my first reaction is - I don't think you actually grok what the man just wrote, so maybe... read it again and then we can chat? Maybe? This comment of course comes on the heels of those who totally do not get it at all (ever) who then point out how people with 'higher difficulty settings' complain too much... and it's like, who here is complaining? Oh wait. I remember. You guys at the easy difficulty settings are whining about how hard it is to know what to do or how even though it's easier for you, you still don't automatically win... or something? I don't actually know what those folks are complaining about.

So, now that folks have read it [again] and the grok is sinking in to the brain, we are still left with the question: What do we, as members of a society*, do about privilege? And, what role, if any, do those of us at varying difficulty levels have to play in the games of others who may be playing on a harder setting?

I therefore submit the Bee-Approved Action Plan:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Avengers! (Spoilers for all the movies ever!)

Like everyone else on the internet, I saw the Avengers this weekend and loved it.

The Spoiler Free Review: The script was good - lots of funny moments and the dialog and plot actually made sense! Chris Hemsworth continues to be very pretty and Black Widow is so BA and awesome, it's not even funny. This is also the first Marvel movie featuring Pepper Potts wherein she is not a dingbat - in the comics, Pepper is pretty sweet and at least in this movie, they let her have lines that an adult woman with self-respect would actually say. They also gave Bruce Banner a personality/motivation outside of being the Hulk which was exciting.

I left the theater wanting to see the movie again and really wanting them to make a Black Widow movie. Black Widow in Iron Man 2 is a hot chick in a painted on costume pretending to kick asses; Black Widow in The Avengers movie is a scarily BA spy with mad skills who is awesome and who has a reason to be kicking so much ass.

The Spoiler-full Review (for serious, don't read this if you haven't already seen the movie):

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Oh, Racism!

I find it really, really hard to believe that so many Tea-Party types are angry at Obama for his policies and not because he's black.

At first, I thought... well, yes, some people are really racist (racists come in all colors/shapes/sizes and against all colors/shapes/sizes even their own) and yes, some people are really stupid, and yes, some rich people benefit a lot from other people being stupid and racist - but, I thought to myself, most Americans can't be that bad.

Now, however, I'm just not that sure.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Good Day

The past 24 hours have been really nice.

Friday after work, we got all dolled up for a "Hoity Toity" Edwardian Dinner party with friends. In case you were wondering, maternity Edwardian garb is a hard look to pull off but I think I managed with a long dress (out of stretchy fabric so it hung nicely on the ever-growing belly), velvet 3/4 sleeve shrug, elbow length gloves, a long strand of pearls, earings, a bracelet (worn over the gloves, of course), and a poofy bun complete with pearled comb. Boybee wore his black suit with a red shirt, gold and black vest (it's awesome and from a vampire costume he had made for him back in the day), a black bow tie, and he had his hair slicked. No pictures, but I assure you that we looked marvelous. Everyone got silly names and titles (I was a Marquise and Boybee was a Colonel), dinner was served on china with silver flatware and goblets. It was all very silly and fun, after dinner we shared in our love for Gilbert and Sulivan and the Simpsons (especially this!).

Saturday, I slept in, ate breakfast, woke up Boybee and then took the cats to the vet. No worries, they're healthy as can be, but it was time for their annual shots. After bringing my poor babies home, we did some chores (laundry and clearing out the library so that Boybee can paint while I'm away for work), and then off to Target to create a baby registry. Registering for baby stuff was not nearly as fun as registering for our wedding - mainly because we have no clue what we want for a baby. We put a few things that we liked on the registry and hopefully anyone who wants to buy us things will buy us things that they think are cute or will be useful.

We then headed to Smoothie King, got delicious smoothies and took a walk around our alma mater's campus which is probably my favorite place to take a walk in this city. It's gorgeous and looks exactly like what I imagine a university should look like, plus it's a smoke free zone and we can reminisce about our early courtship. Our walk ended by one of our favorite middle eastern restaurants so of course we got hummus, shish tauk, and lamb kabob for dinner. How could we not?!

Now, I think we'll watch a two part episode of Star Trek Voyager and make an early night of it. All in all, a pretty fantastic weekend so far.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Milestone

Last night, I had some friends over. We ordered pizza, ate TWO KINDS OF CAKE, and played a bunch of games. This was not the milestone referred to in the title of this post, though two kinds of cake makes any gathering grand. We played Sentinels of the Multiverse and beat Citizen Dawn on advanced mode without letting her flip!

This Canadian will fuck you up.

Even the amazing feat was not the milestone! I was a member of a team that achieved this once before - mainly because I think the only way to beat her on advanced is to keep her from flipping because... ouch!* No, the milestone in my life was that for the first time EVER, I won a game of Apples to Apples! It came down to a tie breaker between two of us, so everyone else judged on the verb "Spunky" we each submitted one card chosen from our hands and then top decked the second card we submitted as a randomizer. I won with Carnival Workers - totally Spunky. :P

I am very proud of myself. 

*I've often thought though that if you could get her to flip by turn three (which is the earliest she could) and making the priority being mitigating damage to heros and building up reserves until she flips back, but there are more unknowns and potential environment traps when you let her flip.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I am pregnant/alive/successful today, because of birth control

I am pregnant today because when I was 16 years old, my dad brought me to the OBGYN and my doctor (who I hope to have deliver my baby this summer!) put me on hormonal birth control.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games : SPOLIERS

Last night, Boybee and I realized that not only did we not have any looming projects or responsibilities that had to be taken care of ASAP but we also had no meetings or other engagements for the evening. This is a relatively rare occurrence at Chez Bee so we decided to take advantage of our lack of responsibilities and go out to a movie, knowing that in a few months being able to just go out to a movie on a Tuesday night will be an unthinkable luxury.

Neither of us has read the Hunger Games books but we've both been hearing the buzz for the past couple of months about the movie. We like action movies and specifically desire to spend our money at the box office when we think movies may pass the Bechdel Test, plus it was getting rave reviews from friends so after a walk around the neighborhood (OMG the weather is gorgeous here in Beelandia right now!), we were off to the 7:45 showing at our local multi-plex.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Gulf Wars!

Last week, Boybee and I attended Gulf Wars XXI a week long SCA event in Southern Mississippi. We had a blast despite the unseasonable warmth and my inability to stay up late. We drove down the NOLA with friends and hung out in the French Quarter before arriving on site. The week included classes, singing, mustering with the Calontir army,  good friends and good cheer. The highlights for me for the Heather Dale concert we got to attend in the Green Dragon and an impromptu Wolgemut concert in our camp.

For those who don't follow SCA/Ren Faire music, Wolgemut is a band that plays medieval German instruments - their music is like the lovechild of German folk music and punk rock. I love it. They showed up in our camp after playing the Known World party (which was, as big parties tend to be, pretty lame) on the promise of beer given by cute women. They began to play and folks started to dance. I learned that I can no longer do any of the isolations necessary for belly dancing (as my ribs and hips are connected by very taunt stretched muscles) but I could still jig! So I hiked up my skirts and proceeded to soft shoe! :) There was reeling and twirling, so much laughter and so much fun.

And now for my very first belly picture! Me at 21ish weeks dancing.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lazy Weekend

There is something absolutely magical about a weekend with no plans.

Yesterday, I walked (about a mile) to the local bakery since we were out of bread - I got breakfast and sat in the sun reading a book. Glorious. I also got my car to the shop (there was a recall on the whosawhatsit), went grocery shopping, got my blood drawn to be sure that I'm going to have a baby and not a football or something, made and ate hamburgers with Boybee, did some work on a medallion I am making for the SCA, and watched The Lion in Winter* while eating fresh monkey-bread.

Today, we need to pick up the car, make beer, and... enjoy the lack of major responsibilities!

*With Katherine Hepburn - such a good film. Boybee had never seen it before. If you've not seen it, go and do so, it will be worth your time. Katherine Hepburn is Eleanor of Aquitaine, Peter O'Toole plays her husband, Henry II, a young (hot) Anthony Hopkins plays Richard. Timothy Dalton, of James Bond and Dr. Who fame, is even in this movie as the beautiful jerkface King of France. It's rare that a movie holds the same emotional punch of a play, but this one does. Even the funky 60's film style and interesting take on 12th century clothing works.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Planned Parenthood, Santorum, and the State of American Politics

I don't even know if I have the energy to rant about this BS anymore. I mean. Really? REALLY?

Politics and incredulousness/sadness after the jump.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Three Articles That I Like Right Now

I have probably posted all three of these to twitter, but then again, I post so much random linkage to twitter it's kind of hard to judge when something really resonated with me or when I just thought it was worth a read. So here, mostly so I can find them later but also for your reading pleasure, I give you three disparate articles the I like right now:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pregnancy is AWESOME

No, not really. Kind of gross, sort of embarrassing TMI that I just needed to share ahead!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mission Impossible A Million (SPOILERS)

Earlier this week, after a craving for Pasta House Co. salad had been satiated, I met some friends at the local multi-plex to see Mission Impossible Some Number. I saw, and loved, the first Mission Impossible movie and for the life of me, I can honestly say that I cannot remember whether or not I saw MI 2 or 3 but this 4th one was supposed to be good and it's easy to get me to agree to things when Pasta House Co. salad is involved. Some thoughts on this film:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Photo Shoot!

When putzing around on FB during my lunch at work Friday (I lead such a glamorous life, I know), I noticed that a friend who is a hobby/semi-professional photographer was looking for models for a shoot. So I volunteered. I did some modeling for friends in college (shoots which often involved sitting in the snow for hours holding very, very still while crazy cameras bigger than my torso too shots through vaseline covered lenses) and always enjoyed it. Furthermore, I don't know how many of you, dear readers, have ever been three months pregnant, but, it's just not a very pretty time in a woman's life - I have more acne than I ever did in middle school and my belly just looks pudgy, not pregnant. I thought, here's an opportunity to do something fun and feel pretty.

I threw some outfits that fit the theme in my car and drove out to the meet up spot. Can I just say how much I like having my make up done by a professional? It's amazing! My eyes popped. My zits disappeared. My lips looked full. And! All of a sudden I had cheek bones! Amazing. After about 45 minutes of make up and some hair touch ups, I got dressed and we drove out to the site.

Now, all week we have had unseasonably warm and sunny weather, so of course Sunday was cold and cloudy. The photographer decided to make the shots (taken at 3 pm) all night shots and you wouldn't know that they weren't taken after dark if you hadn't been there from the lighting.

TL;DR Version: I got my picture taken and looked pretty! Many thanks to Mike Martin at for an awesomely fun shoot! Continue for pictures!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

How I am like a Time Lord

I am a fan of Dr. Who. There. I said it.

Normally when I tell people that I watch Dr. Who they are either confused/never heard of the show or they are FANS OF DR WHO ZOMG and proceed to geek out over the fifth time the third Doctor sneezed on air or some other True Geekery of a Dr. Who Fan. Whereas me? I just really like the show. I have seen every episode of the reboot but have never seen any of the old Dr. Who episodes, and while I have seen each new episode, I have only seen it once. I don't have any of it memorized and honestly, even though I watched an episode last night, I do not know what Rory's last name is or any other trivia. I'm a bad geek and I know it.

That out of the way, I really enjoy Dr. Who and love the idea of Time Lords galavanting about the galaxy, especially the Doctor and his companions. There are a few neat things about the alien race to which the Doctor belongs, the two which apply here are:

1. Each Time Lord has two hearts beating in their chests.

2. Time Lords regenerate when normal humans/humanoids would die. This process has allowed the series to continue on air as long as it has and stay fun and exciting with new actors/plot lines/tensions. It allows the Doctor to die, we morn the character we loved and his death - but then! A new doctor comes to us in a blaze of light and excitement. Every time the Doctor regenerates, the first thing he does is figure out who he is now. You see, the newly regenerated Time Lord remembers his/her previous lives and is really the same person with the same general motivations, but s/he has new tastes, new interests, and a new way of looking at the world.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I don't usually post political stuff/rants here, but I just wanted to get this out.

This is political. This is a rant. You have been warned.