We spent the week just south of Cancun in a mostly empty resort (~70 guests and the place had a 2000 capacity).
As you can see, the pools and ocean were gorgeous.
We swam, ate, read, and cuddled for a week while hanging out with the *entire* population of London, Ontario. It's the type of thing I could see myself getting used to.
Once home, the semester started. I am in a new practicum at The Clinic which I am enjoying. I am still in training since part of my job is to explain various procedures, medications, and medical devices to patients I need to bone up on my knowledge of those medical doo-hickeys and make sure that I know all of the price information (and which org/insurance will cover what for whom) as well as the forms and consents we need to help the clients sign. That's not the main part of the job but it's definitely the most specific and knowledge - as opposed to skills - based aspect.
In addition to my internship, I am taking two classes that meet once a week and one weekend class - just like last semester. The classes should be interesting and so far the work load seems reasonable. It's so nice though to have things to do and places to be. I have been more productive around the house and with my various crafting and sewing projects this week than almost all of last semester when I only had three classes and fewer demands on my time.
Also, my nephew, Eitan is basically the custest person ever. Now that he's past those first trying 6 months of life I really enjoy being around him because he is fun and not because he is genetically related to me.
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