I didn't post much in July mainly because most of my thoughts were along the lines of "I am so pregnant. When will I have this baby already?" and that's kind of boring. I saw Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises and enjoyed both - it's crazy, but the next movie I will see in theaters is not going to be until The Hobbit in December (we're already in talks with Grandparents-Bee for baby sitting when it comes out).
Sadly, since Babybee came on the late side, she and I will not be able to attend GenCon this year. In happier news, I have decided on a Halloween costume for us! Every year, friends throw a huge Halloween party with a costume theme. Past themes have included Villains (I went as Catwoman), Circus (I went as cotton candy), and The Sea (I went as The Sea! complete with a pirate ship hat). This year's theme is Folk Tales and Babybee and I will be going as St. Margaret and the Dragon. For those not hip to medieval Catholicism, St. Margaret of Antioch is the patron saint of laboring women because after being swallowed by a Dragon she burst forth from it's belly unharmed. Ideally, I would be the Dragon since Babybee is the one who did all the belly bursting, but I got a hand-me-down 3 month size dinosaur costume from a friend which I can tweak the tiniest bit to make into a dragon and then I have medieval garb for me. I figure it will be easy enough to put these costumes together while taking care of my Level One Human (Str 0 and Con 2, but Cha at 18 because Baby). Boybee is trying to figure out how he can go as Mr. Spock for the third year in a row - Oy.