Thursday, March 29, 2012

I am pregnant/alive/successful today, because of birth control

I am pregnant today because when I was 16 years old, my dad brought me to the OBGYN and my doctor (who I hope to have deliver my baby this summer!) put me on hormonal birth control.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games : SPOLIERS

Last night, Boybee and I realized that not only did we not have any looming projects or responsibilities that had to be taken care of ASAP but we also had no meetings or other engagements for the evening. This is a relatively rare occurrence at Chez Bee so we decided to take advantage of our lack of responsibilities and go out to a movie, knowing that in a few months being able to just go out to a movie on a Tuesday night will be an unthinkable luxury.

Neither of us has read the Hunger Games books but we've both been hearing the buzz for the past couple of months about the movie. We like action movies and specifically desire to spend our money at the box office when we think movies may pass the Bechdel Test, plus it was getting rave reviews from friends so after a walk around the neighborhood (OMG the weather is gorgeous here in Beelandia right now!), we were off to the 7:45 showing at our local multi-plex.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Gulf Wars!

Last week, Boybee and I attended Gulf Wars XXI a week long SCA event in Southern Mississippi. We had a blast despite the unseasonable warmth and my inability to stay up late. We drove down the NOLA with friends and hung out in the French Quarter before arriving on site. The week included classes, singing, mustering with the Calontir army,  good friends and good cheer. The highlights for me for the Heather Dale concert we got to attend in the Green Dragon and an impromptu Wolgemut concert in our camp.

For those who don't follow SCA/Ren Faire music, Wolgemut is a band that plays medieval German instruments - their music is like the lovechild of German folk music and punk rock. I love it. They showed up in our camp after playing the Known World party (which was, as big parties tend to be, pretty lame) on the promise of beer given by cute women. They began to play and folks started to dance. I learned that I can no longer do any of the isolations necessary for belly dancing (as my ribs and hips are connected by very taunt stretched muscles) but I could still jig! So I hiked up my skirts and proceeded to soft shoe! :) There was reeling and twirling, so much laughter and so much fun.

And now for my very first belly picture! Me at 21ish weeks dancing.