Thursday, December 8, 2011

GenCon ReCap - Better Late Than Never

GenCon was a blast. If you've never been and are a dork/nerd/geek and live in North America, you should reserve a room now. Every year, I meet new awesome people and do new awesome things. Every year I play in the Chameleon Games 7th Sea Larp and this year, though I bought a ticket, I missed the game. My cell phone was stolen the day before we left (major suckage!) and... I'm lame? It was such a crazy time and there were so many other awesome things to do that I figured it would be ok. I will have to play next year though!

Now, to the good part. Costumes. As I mentioned in a previous post, I made two costumes for GenCon this year. The first was a Steam Punk get up from random things I found in my closet and an awesome pocket watch.

The gloves were a thrift store find many years ago, the bracelet was a gift from my ex-step-mother, the pin was my great grandmothers, the hat was made as a gag gift (!!!) by local artist and milliner Miriam Wiegand, the top is from Target (I wear it with a jacket to work all the time). I've also got a black under-bust corset and full black skirt as well as a cameo necklace. The awesome watch? I wore it on a super long chain around my waist. The costume was comfortable enough to wear all day and I received a fair number of compliments. Not too shabby for $13.

The other costume I wore was The Wraith from the amazing Sentinels of the Multiverse cooperative card game. I got a black leotard and sewed on strapping material and clasps across the belly - this was harder than I thought it would be. It turns out that stretchy material stretches. Whoa. I then made a cape and distressed it with scissors and a grater. I wore tights and bandages up and down my legs.

Not a great picture of my costume, but you can see from left to right, Tachyon, Citizen Dawn, The Wraith (complete with impromptu invention - my favorite card in her deck!) and Tempest. We had a blast! The Sentinels team will be releasing an expansion this April and it includes a new look for The Wraith! They haven't officially leaked the art but I got to see a sneak peak and all I can say is Infrared Eye Piece! :P

Ok. So maybe I'm a fan-girl...