As of a month ago i was dreading the start of this semester - heck, as of yesterday I was dreading the start of this semester. I went to two of the six classes I am signed up for yesterday (the only two that will meet this week), and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed them.
The first is a course on social work in health care - the professor seems lovely and recently served on the Big Hospital's ethics board, which just makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. A pet goal of mine is to be on an ethics board at a hospital; in my fantasy-world this would be my entire job and I'd work at one of the TV hospitals where everything is dramatic and exciting and I get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The second course is on feminist theory and practice in social work. I was really apprehensive about this one at first, but I think it will be ok. Two Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies professors from the university are in this class - one of them freaks the professor out a bit because she is older and the professor obviously has a lot of respect for her. The professor is a Gloria Steinem style lesbian academic feminist - she seems very nice and just a little fake, but I think I can deal with that. My only problem is that it will be very hard for me to not talk the entire time. This is a subject that I know a lot about and have very strong opinions on and that I believe my opinions are... more radical (not Radical mind you but rather using the word with its dictionary definition) than the teachers and most people I would think.
Next week I will begin my job at Big Hospital and have my first medical ethics class, which I am really looking forward to. The week after next, I will have my first seminar course which is a piggy-back onto the job at Big Hospital. My last course is a weekend course which will meet three long weekends sprinkled across the semester - it will be my last intro course and hopefully I will enjoy it, I hear the professor is amazing.